NM Train_Your_Dragon Lichess coach picture

NM Rishabh Gokhale

Let's grow together!

Location India
LanguagesEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी, मराठी
Hourly rate30-35$ per hour
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi! I'm Rishabh Gokhale, a 2100 Fide-rated player from India. I also earned the National master title.

Playing experience

Best Achievements:- 1) Under 7 Bronze, qualified for World Under 7 Championships.
2) 20+ times State Champion.
3) Only person to get 4 prizes in one tournament ( Singapore).
4) National Master.
5) World Under 14 participant (Rank: 28)

I've played a lot of tournaments and I believe in working hard and fixing your mistakes rather than aimlessly playing. It's better to play two tournaments in two months with impressive performance rather than 5 tournaments with a lack of clarity.

Other experiences

I'm a professional photographer who has participated in various competitions. I play a lot online. I am in the top 100 of Lichess Rapid rankings. I also used to be in the top 50 of the Chess960 Rankings.

Best skills

I'm pretty much an all-rounder. I can help you elevate all the parts of the game by providing crucial insights. Personally, my area of expertise is positional chess. To get from 1500 to 2000, you need to be able to properly evaluate positions. I can help you with that.

Teaching methodology

I charge 20$ per hour for 1500-1750 and 25$ for 1750-2000 fide.
This is considering the recent rating inflation. I accept students of all levels. If you're new to this game, you're at the right place! I'll build up your fundamentals and we'll win together!
Rather than just studying chess during the class, it must be thoroughly studied in private as well. I give homework and some material to help my students develop their understanding and grow quickly.