
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Comment faire appraitre des rondes diffusées dans la liste des diffusions en drect1
by beautiful_berries
что с рейтингом1
by nadjarostowa
New time control options?5
by earlpurple
by schlawg
"Computer analysis" (fishnet) is weaker compared to local6
by Patrizsche
blitz (5+0) rating variations: something strange7
by A Lichess Moderator
Why does the engine only look for mistakes and not for good moves?25
by AyaanshGaur12
Sharjah Masters Tournament Hyperlink0
by Chess_Poems
Shouldn't my w/l ratio be closer to 50/50 if I'm auto-matched against equally rated opponents?3
by corvusmellori
Blocking players in broadcasts' chats0
by ITendToEatPlants
Knight & Bishop Mate Complete2
by nikitchessplayer
by few2
Illegal castling by stockfish 165
by chesshowler
How to create a chapter in the study where only a part of a broadcast game is shown11
by dboing
by bufferunderrun