
Search "user:TheKieslamProphet"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - “hand” shaped cursor#2

I am also having this problem and it really bothers me

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: option to make a sideline in study chapter a new chapter#1

It would be extremely convenient if you could right click on a particular move within a study, and alongside "promote variation" and "make main line" it could say "make main line in new chapter. That …

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: public comments on moves in opening explorer#1

It would be cool to have a button in the opening explorer where you can see a comment thread made by other lichess users. Each comment thread would be specific to a position in the opening explorer. T…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: I could not move certain pieces and pawns during my game#1 link to the game. On move 3, I tried to play c3 but when I hovered over the pawn it would not let me select it. I also couldn't make any moves with my b knight or dark bis…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: puzzle timer#1

It would be really nice to have the option to display a timer that counts up, just to be aware of how much time I'm spending on each puzzle. Ideally, it would not be distracting at all, and I certainl…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: isolate my games in the opening explorer#1

When you go to opening explorer > choose data set, next to 'masters' and 'lichess' the should be 'my games.' then it would just behave like the normal opening explorer, but with only my games, and the…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: comments on puzzles#3

@PuzzleDingske said in #2: > but I feel like people are just going to spam "pft that was soooo easy" to demotivate others/brag I think you're right that that's certainly a risk. Especially if it's any…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: comments on puzzles#1

I think it would be cool to have a comment section for each puzzle that only reveals itself when you solve the puzzle. Sort of similar to r/chess where on puzzles they show the solution and there are …
