FM Zorbos Lichess coach picture

FM José Santos

Understanding the game is much more important than memorizing openings or theory. That is what I'll teach you

LocationLisboa Portugal
LanguagesPortuguês, Español
RatingFIDE: 2428273825322043
Hourly rate25€ / 40 USD- 1h.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi ! My name is José Bárria Santos and I am a 20 year-old FM from Portugal. I'm currently taking a degree in software engineering while improving on chess. I speak in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Send me a text if you're looking to up your game, no matter how strong you are !

Playing experience

Currently 2400 and Portuguese Champion
Best tournament: Portuguese Championship 2023 (8 points out of 9)
Represented Portugal in the Chennai World Olympiad 2022 and two Under-16 World Olympiads.
Played in World Juniors 2023

Teaching experience

I have had students for many years now

Other experiences

I stream at (Portuguese and English)

Best skills

We'll cover the parts of your game that lack the most, as well as improve your best ones.

Teaching methodology

We will focus on analyzing games of masters and of your own. I am a very open-minded person and will fit my training program to every student's needs and capacities. (Ex: Explore your strong points, strengthen your low points)