
Stockfish on PC vs Ipad

Hi all,

I was getting bummed out constantly getting beaten by Stockfish level 1 on the ipad, then other day i tried the computer and it was super easy. definitely not the same level.

I then sat with my ipad and laptop together, pitting them against each other. My ipad stockfish level 1 wiped the floor with PC levels 1-4, was only really challenged starting stockfish level 5 on the PC...

how is that possible?
Here on lichess, SF has levels 1 to 8 (if I remember) but the SF version (from the official site) that I have installed on my computer has levels 1-20. It is possible that the iPad and your computer don't have the same number of levels.
@Party_Pat said in #1:
> how is that possible?
What exact platform and binary are you using on both the PC and ipad? What settings are both using?
PC, I am using Lichess through the browser, iPad is the standard Lichess downloaded app.

I was hoping to post images, regardless:

PC: Fairy-Stockfish 14, and it has levels 1 to 8
Ipad: Just says stockfish levels 1 to 8

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