
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful14
by immortal_coyote
How to connect an DGT, E board to a Flutter and Firebase App(Broadcasting)2
by The_Eagle_Himself
Why does this site keep pairing me up with cheaters?1
by SimonBirch
Loses again comes in waves. Is it me or something else?2
by Geelse_zot
Those who play unrated games... I want to....0
by PaulC123
Computer bots playing chess38
by ProgrammerAngrim
Is it possible to force a sharp position against Caro-Kann?10
by lizani
Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed2
by Frogster64
How can this position be threefold repetition?1
by AFinn
Activity is not recorded on my profile2
by warisvarn
Interesting endgame puzzle2
by mooshi_magooshi
Is forcing the enemy to get doubled pawns good if it opens up their file?2
by j88q
Short game - oops4
by mkubecek
What was the first game to ever be recorded in the history of chess? How good were the players?30
by AyaanshGaur12
get three stars in all (chess basics in the learn section) including practice , puzzles ,videos etc3
by Cedur216