LM Lance5500 Lichess coach picture

LM Mr Lance

Very experienced online chess coach and player. Private and group lessons.

LanguagesEnglish (US), русский язык
Hourly rateRates are flexible. Discounts are available for block bookings. Please contact me for more information.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Lance, experienced online chess coach.

I got to know the game early and since this moment I love chess instantly and forever. I have a passion for playing and teaching and I love both activities.

I do highly appreciate student/coach relationship and I try to do my best for my chess students. I've also noticed that I feel more happy from my students' chess successes in comparing to mine (as a player).

Playing experience

I am experienced online chess player (20+ years) and 11x Lichess Marathon Champion.

Large experience of online play against famous players including top10-100 Fide GrandMasters (more than 1000 games and not bad score finally).

This unique experience of play vs some of the best chessplayers in the world has improved me the most as a teacher and player.

Peak lichess ratings: 2886 bullet, 2801 blitz, 2815 rapid, 2622 classical.

Teaching experience

Other experiences

I love to watch twitch. There are a lot of great lichess streamers there.

Best skills

I concentrate on maximisation of the general chess understanding.

I teach not how to memorize but how to understand. I trust that understanding and logic (and regular practice of the new knowledges) are the most important in chess.

Teaching methodology

I review students' games and see their weakness and strength and prepare my recommendations for their further chess improvement.

We review the most important basics to make sure that student is familiar with it and then work on the constant perfection of the student according to his current weakness and needs.

I am flexible for my students, so I can teach them anything (inside my spectrum of knowledges, skills and abilities) anytime according to the current student's preference.

Of course I can recommend to study together something concrete as well, either according to our general plan of the student's chess improvement or according to student's recent games or other difficulties student might have had from doing homework or other chess activities - in order to keep student's chess understanding maximally clear.

Public studies

GM Anton Demchenko vs Lance

134 • LM Lance5500 •
  1. Falstaf (2929) vs Lance2000 (2876)
  2. Falstaf (2958) vs Lance2000 (2884)
  3. Falstaf (2914) vs Lance2000 (2889)
  4. Falstaf (2970) vs Lance2000 (2916)
  1. LM Lance5500

Lance vs GM Hikaru Nakamura

36 • LM Lance5500 •
  1. Star Wars - Lance2000
  2. Lance2000 - Star Wars
  3. Star Wars - Lance2000
  4. Lance2000 - Star Wars
  1. LM Lance5500

Lance vs GM Anish Giri

79 • LM Lance5500 •
  1. LanceFamily (2897) vs Anish Giri (3009)
  1. zachess
  2. LM Lance5500
  3. Demonolith
  4. parrotz

Lance vs GM Nigel Short

31 • LM Lance5500 •
  1. LanceFamily (2875) vs Nigel Short (3052)
  1. zachess
  2. Nechto37
  3. mHeidelberg
  4. GoMentalGoBloody

YouTube videos