FM papadosor Lichess coach picture

FM Milan Jocev

Never give up

LocationBelgrade Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2278267125402532
Hourly ratelessons: 30 euros/hr; training games: 15 euros/hr
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

My name is Milan Jocev, FM from Serbia. My current ELO rating is 2278.

I'm offering lessons and training games (with analysis afterwards, if you want it)

Playing experience

Playing from the age of 6. Became FM in 2018. Peak Elo rating - 2376

A norm for an International Master (performance 2536)

Teaching experience

4 years of teaching experience.

Best skills

Best skills are:
- practical (non-theoretical) endgames
- tactical vision (thought process before spotting certain tactic)
- positional play (coming up with plans, using weaknesses of the opponent, getting rid of bad things in the position...)

If you have any request for an opening analysis, I'm available.

Teaching methodology

Lessons are conducted via Skype, Discord or Zoom.

Before the first lesson, I'm checking the games of my student, seeing weakest spots, beginning from there.

During the lesson, I discuss a position from a topic I choose, and try to explain the most essential parts of the position.

After the lesson I'm giving homework to my students and checking their solution between two lessons.

Regarding the material for the lessons, I'm using books of Dvoretsky, Yusupov, Aagaard..., plus I'm making some original material by myself.

YouTube videos