
My best games ever!

Commentating the best game which I have played :)

First game: Defense and Attack!

Me(Innovative Attackers) vs Captian Jackeen!


What happened: (Briefly)

The opening was normal and normal but in the way to the middle game my opponent started attacking me on the kingside.

How I handled:

He was attacking tremendously so, I had to do something about it, so I started defending the kingside.

Still his attack was going on and on, Then I found that his dark bishop and queen were making a strong diagonal and attacking my h2 square.

So, I blocked the diagonal by playing g3 and made sure he could not sacrifice there, So, he had to retreat his bishop back on bd6.

I though of capturing it but I realize my knight was an able defender and I decided not to capture.

Instead, I found that his king was very weak and had very less protection, so I started bombarding his king with the move bc4. ( Counter Attack)

Bc4's plan was to capture the knight and get the semi-E file an open file and attack him, it also allows my knight to go to f6 and It will be strong there.

In return, he started attacking my king via g4.

For a second I had to do something about it, so I captured it and he recaptured it.

Then I put my knight on h2 as a good defencer.

By then, his attack was coming to an end but still, he started attacking again via f5( Plan is f4)

But this move had made his e6 square very weak so, I took advantage of it, After a few Captures he played Qh7 attacking my knight on h2.

It was a checkmating threat so, I had to do something about it, Lucky for me my 2nd rook was on c2 or else I had to give away the knight via re1.

But as I had the rook on c2 I played f4, On first look it looks dangerous as he could do En-Passant, so of course, he En-Passant and then the G-file was very weak.

For that I played Qe1, and vola! There was no attack :)

As the light square bishop defended the g8 square, he could do nothing and his king was in shambles.

So, it was like victory to me, My opponent desperately made blunders as he had no attack and I finally won!


There might have been blunders on both sides and he might have had the advantage so, maybe he was winning but please don't message me and tell that I too blundered.

I know that but I played well for my rating :)


My thinking:

I think that I played very well, so did my opponent but as he had one small mistake (Bad king) I won :)

Conclusion or Lesson:

Always keep your king safe (In this game both sides did not keep it much safe at the start) So, the other side used it as advantage and started an attack! lol :)

Ending (For now):

I will soon commentate the other games, Bye for now :)

Thanks for reading my blog :)
