
Meaning of cats in Antichess

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In previous blog ( ) you had chance to read something about early antichess history. But I kept recieving questions, why "True antichess player loves cats." statement was in my bio for a while, so I decided to make this clear for everybody in this blog post.

All my closer friends know, that I have very good relationship with my cat - Elsa. Discord users may also have seen her pictures in Antichess server. That's not a random coincidence! Our connection is stronger than you think. But there is more behind it...
Cat goddess Elsa

Let's go back to ancient times... When egyptian shamans were resisting power of e3 Pharaoh, this war was very one sided. They had to hide inside pyramids and wait for their chances. Loop of spam lines was too strong and they had no response or counterattack to save innocent people from slavery. Everything was pointing out, that soon the e3 world with Pharaoh in head will conquer them. The Almighty c4 god was running out of effective magic spells and it seemed the end is near...

The break

Hopeless egyptian shamans were hidden in catacombs of pyramids for several weeks, using their last strenght and honor on almost lost war. One day The Almighty c4 god recieved a visit from old friend - the Queen of cats - Bastet - the queen of all living animals and her sister Mau, the protector of divine tree of life. After short discussion cats agreed to unite and to help win the decisive battle for everything. Queen of cats - Bastet

The outcome

Soldiers in e3 army were brave and strong. But their biggest fear was the cats and their charisma. After battling for 9 days and 9 nights, Pharaoh and his army lay vanquished on the ground. Their bodies were used to feed the divine tree of life and new era started that day. Shamans sacrificed their bodies inside the Cheops pyramid the seal the treasure forever. New world was then built brick after brick by their offsprings and disciples. No one forgot the heroic deed that cats did. Disciples built "Temple of Bastet" in honor of this event, to remind everyone, what really happened. This Temple should be found near city Zagazig in modern Egypt. Bastet's sister Mau slaughtering e3 snake near roots of divine tree of life

The bond

Bond between c4 disciples and cats remains till today. Queen of cats, Bastet and her sister Mau sit side by side the Almighty c4 god on the throne, from where they protect our population.
You already know, that from modern generation I was chosen, as direct offspring of shamans, to protect the treasure and spread the truth further, but so did cats. My cat Elsa is direct offspring of Bastet and our meeting and connection was already written as prodigy in the Book of all books thousands years ago. image

I hope everyone now understands, what cats mean and how important they were/are.