
The age of unconventional careers

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“Young boys and girls must have good exposure to the relevant area they would like to work”

In the past, conventional careers like engineering, medical law, teaching, chartered accountancy and trading are no longer attracting the youth today. That is because there is a glut (of people) in this professions. New entrants may not find the going to be very smooth, if they opt for such routine careers. However, some unconventional careers would be appealing to many young people of our country.
The first unconventional career is Customer Relations Management. An individual keeps in touch with the clients of his or her firm through telephone systems and satellite communication technologies. HE or she given vital information to the callers who asks for it through the telephonic mode. Data are exchanged over telephones lines, internet and emails. Call centre executives can work in the areas of sales support, after sales service, air line or hotel reservations, bank accounts, telemarketing, credit card transactions and marketing research. Another Unconventional career is in the field of jewellery designing. Our skilled crafts men have been designing and making jewellery for the past five thousand years. But jewellery designing became a profession of only after the exports of jewellery and gems. The youth trained in this profession can start their enterprises or go abroad as specialists.
Travel and tourism is another exciting career that would become a favourite of many young boys and girls. Tourism satisfies their spiritual needs, financial requirements and an urge to know more about this world. Courses are available in hotel managements, catering, air line ticketing, tour management and entertainment management. The youth would be able to visit historic and exciting places of the world, if they choose tourism as career.
And finally, television and cinema production is another high profile career suitable for the technology savvy people. Television and cinema production involves script writing, production of TV serials or movies, sound editing, multimedia effects production, set designing, composition of background music etc. Young boys and girls must have good exposure to the relevant area they would like to work in it is high time that our youth broke away from conventioning and took up new career streams. Challenges of these streams would test their skills and patience but many of these careers are lucrative and interesting enough to be pursued.