NM slowchessplayer2001 Lichess coach picture

NM Edward Xu

Chess is love, Organic Chemistry Tutor is life.

Location Canada
LanguagesEnglish (US)
Hourly rate$30/hour
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Chess player from Canada.

Playing experience

I have ~6 years of playing experience.
Beat GM Bator Sambuev in a classical game.

Teaching experience

4 years of teaching experience.

Best skills

I am able to refute unsound gambits with some success and enjoy building up attacking positions.

Teaching methodology

I will prepare the lesson beforehand with a clear focus on a specific theme with example games and homework problems to reinforce learning.
In addition, I will analyze my students' games with them, as game analysis is one of the most important ways to improve. I use skype/zoom for communication and the Lichess study feature for lessons.