
I lost faith in humans

I just realized that most humans are just straight up evil
I am not talking about lichess forums as they are heavy moderated but about other places I have been to
I saw racism insults violence invitation...
Aspecially when people start talking about politics and religion online and it gets out of hand
I'd say it's rather some kind of stupidity. Some people follow people that are evil. Many people follow people that lie and they do it without seeing any proof for the lies. Many examples in politics all over the world. Also conspiracy theories.

Many animals have leaders they follow. People seem to have that too. Leaders they follow without any reflections on it whatsoever.

Therefore I have no hope on long term survival of mankind.
We will survive the stupidity and evilness. The will to survive is stronger and will triumph. Keep the faith my friends!
@sdkman said in #1:
> I am not talking about lichess forums as they are heavy moderated ...

Well said, colleague ...

And, secondly, who hasn't ?
I believe the opposite through lived experience - almost all people are innately good (in their intentions at the least) but the internet and media will make you believe the opposite and promotes dehumanization by highlighting the actions of the very few and making the mass believe those are the actions of the many.

When you go outside and encounter people - how many of them are murderers, thieves, etc? Almost none.

When you turn on the news, how many of the people talked about are murders, thieves, etc? Almost all of them.

I challenge you to not look at news or social media for 90 days - and only interact with people around you in person - and then decide if you think that most people are innately evil. You'll find that almost everyone you interact with in real life doesn't have it out for you lol, and probably actually wants to help in some form or fashion.

The further you get away from capitalist and industry too the more apparent this becomes.
There have always been such people in our life, but look the other way. There were also kind and sympathetic people. Don't look at everything only from the negative side. Be careful with such people or do not communicate at all.
Everything is fine baby, don't cry, humanity just doesn't care about you...just stay out of the way, and get profit!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer had something to say about stupidity and following leaders. But he lived in pretty dark times.
I am very uncertain of how the future will unfold. Given the almost limitless capacity for stupidity and the global reach of modern capitalism, we could be as little as two generations from the next extinction event. If and if and if... or maybe not. I am not sanguine however. We have just too many ways at hand to bring it about. Sorry if I'm a bit of a downer here.
@sdkman said in #1:
> I just realized that most humans are just straight up evil
> I am not talking about lichess forums as they are heavy moderated but about other places I have been to
> I saw racism insults violence invitation...
> Aspecially when people start talking about politics and religion online and it gets out of hand

Online debates are dominated by crazy people. So if you're basing your views of humanity's behavior online, then humanity is much better IRL.

There was a survey in my country that got that only ike 3% of people ever wrote anything about politics online. I think it's really like the 2% of everybody who are most crazy make like more than half of the posts online about politics.

Think about how many people you know IRL that never write anything about politics ever.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #9:
> Online debates are dominated by crazy people. So if you're basing your views of humanity's behavior online, then humanity is much better IRL.
> There was a survey in my country that got that only ike 3% of people ever wrote anything about politics online. I think it's really like the 2% of everybody who are most crazy make like more than half of the posts online about politics.
> Think about how many people you know IRL that never write anything about politics ever.

I agree though there is an elephant in the room. More crazy peoples are getting elected. ;-)

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