
Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Thanks to @ChangeOpening, @firebatprime, and @ak1969 for their messages earlier. I thought I would start a thread in case anyone else wants to share on the topic.

Firstly, I would like to send my support, best wishes, and prayers (for those of faith) to all those in Ukraine and anyone else impacted around the region. I personally do not favor banning all Russian players, as I do not believe they are all directly responsible for the actions of their government, but I would support the IAF issuing a statement to condemn the war. I am grateful for the strong antichess community on Lichess, which has allowed me to meet people from so many countries all over the world who I would otherwise not encounter. While I understand people come here to play chess and may not want to discuss politics, I believe there is much more that unites us all beyond antichess and hope we can all stand up against war and violence when given the opportunity.
Thank you for kind words @MagnusXL ! I also stand behind statement that people are not responsible for what their government is doing. It is not nice to hear US Air Force flying over my head while knowing few hundreds kilometers eastern there is invasion. It is just uncertainity. But we can always be together as one community and share love among each other.

I hope soon everything will be alright and there will be no fatal damages.
I just have one question @Kex09. Your profile says that you are from Ukraine but are you still living in Ukraine or somewhere else?

From @Mohi4
@MoHi4 I live in Slovakia, Ukraine’s neighbour. Ukrainian flag in my profile stands for peace and honors those who died and suffer because of someone’s stupidity.

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