
ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)

@IloveMozzarella said in #49:
> 1. Wherefrom are you?
> 2. Are you a pupil?
> 3. If yes, do you like school? What are your favorite subjects and why.
> 4. How did you get into chess?
> 5. What does the rainbow flag mean?
> 6. If you could be an animal, which one would you like to be?
> 7. Whats your favourite dish?
> Thank you. I hope these aren't too many questions at once.
2. Yes
3. No, I do not like school but my fav subjects would be co curricular. From main subjects I like English and Science the best.
4. My Dad taught me.
5. Lets keep that private.
6. Lion, cuz my zodiac sign is leo. Overall I like their appearance, as well as their strength.
7. Chicken Biryani with mutton curry
@alexObby21 said in #50:
> how do you type?
Using a keyboard..
@Saranya_Sett said in #54:
> 1.India
> 2. Yes
> 3. No, I do not like school but my fav subjects would be co curricular. From main subjects I like English and Science the best.
> 4. My Dad taught me.
> 5. Lets keep that private.
> 6. Lion, cuz my zodiac sign is leo. Overall I like their appearance, as well as their strength.
> 7. Chicken Biryani with mutton curry
> Using a keyboard..
how do you use a keyboard?
Whats the square root of 500 divided by 2 multiplied by 64 minus 5?

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