
How Popular is the Person Above you?

@NaturalBornTraveller #12

This one above goes all the way to 11 out of 10.
- Narcissist's Daily Mail

Once again the traveller rocks the boat to our enjoyment. 6,5/5
- Egomaniac Weekly

Brilliant. I, myself could not come up with a better line. 8/5
- Traveller's Mirror

Last time I laughed so hard, was when rewatching Spartacus. 12/10
- The Hollywood Bin
Well, I can't disagree with all those publications, so I guess I'll have to go ahead and average them and say 13/10!
People so famous rn
@AsDaGo said in #14:
> Well, I can't disagree with all those publications, so I guess I'll have to go ahead and average them and say 13/10!
you are 7/10
@LoLLLLLLLLLLL said in #18:
> @QueenRosieMary is pretty popular i would say :D

Lol sometimes a little *too* popular for my own good!

@LoLLLLLLLLLLL is a very friendly, popular, and well-liked member of the Lichess community, known for being VERY busy running loads of big teams, signing up for team battles but then not actually playing in them!

He is known for his penchant for variants (Official Variant Freak), even holding the title of Antichess Master. He's also known for sending team messages that are a list of links, because ain't nobody got time for writing extra stuff when they are as busy as him!

Also wins the "PA of the Year" award for sending me Liga links and generally being a gofer xD

LET's GO Lolllllllllll! 10/10 :D
@QueenRosieMary said in #19:
> Lol sometimes a little *too* popular for my own good!
> @LoLLLLLLLLLLL is a very friendly, popular, and well-liked member of the Lichess community, known for being VERY busy running loads of big teams, signing up for team battles but then not actually playing in them!
> He is known for his penchant for variants (Official Variant Freak), even holding the title of Antichess Master. He's also known for sending team messages that are a list of links, because ain't nobody got time for writing extra stuff when they are as busy as him!
> Also wins the "PA of the Year" award for sending me Liga links and generally being a gofer xD
> LET's GO Lolllllllllll! 10/10 :D

LMAO tysm

ur 10/10 in popularity and the community loves u but you could be better at bullet ;)

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