
What is freedom of speech?

I looked it up, it is true. Florida passed a Don’t Say Gay bill, meaning teachers are not aloud to teach and talk about lgbtqia+ at all.
I don’t know what the consequences are if u do. As a bisexual myself, this is very unsettling.
@CooloutAC said in #10:
> Could be taken up in court. Its definitely not federal law. Probably some town ordinance or maybe even state law? Sounds doubtful but I wouldn't be surprised in Florida lol. Probably depends on the context and would need to see the case.
> You can't yell fire in a crowded theatre for example. But that doesn't mean you get arrested for yelling the word fire. The reason you can be arrested though is because you can cause personal injury for example.

It's the FL State where the clown in chief is yelling at school kids wearing a mask. What a coward intimidating teens.

Oh by the way, a couple of his GOP's pals are taking care of the swamp very well while getting involved in trafficking.

Lazzaro indicted on child sex trafficking charges.

Gaetz is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him.

Very fine people as would say 45th.
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@bfchessguy said in #12:
> It's the FL State where the clown in chief is yelling at school kids wearing a mask. What a coward intimidating teens.
> Oh by the way, a couple of his GOP's pals are taking care of the swamp very well while getting involved in trafficking.
> Lazzaro indicted on child sex trafficking charges.
> Gaetz is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him.
> Very fine people as would say 45th.

jeez... I will say his policies were not bad. They were actually decent truth be told. He could of been a great President. But his divisive rhetoric was unacceptable. Lets not forget the guy Praised Putin and every dictator and oppressive regime from around the world seemingly envious of them. There is fear if he gets elected again we will have our own Putin dictator here in the US. No idea if those fears are warranted, but no reason to take the chance imo.
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@onlysumedh said in #15:
> Chill dude, its not a law yet, only a bill . That other guy was just being dumb. Americans have lots of freedom of speech imo, the rest of the world can learn from that.

I might be wrong, I think we should take some of CooloutAC with a a grain of sarcasm. ;-)
@CooloutAC said in #14:
> jeez... Lets not forget the guy Praised Putin and every dictator and oppressive regime from around the world seemingly envious of them.

Lets not forget the guy who tried to lock up Hillary because of the emails stole Kim's love letter in violation of the law. lol

Lock 45th up! Lock him up! Lock him up.

*** say it loud with a red trucker's hat on your smart a$$ head ***
Whole reason this fight started is because I was just trying to say that America isn’t always free of speech.
Don’t try to tell me that’s not right.
@theamazingtill said in #18:
> Whole reason this fight started is because I was just trying to say that America isn’t always free of speech.
> Don’t try to tell me that’s not right.

Guess which country I would choose if the only 2 choices were between Putin's country and 45th's?

This is big time what-aboutism nothing else. Should I get a license to bully everyone in the hood 'cause one of my neighbour is a bad boy?
@bfchessguy said in #19:
> Guess which country I would choose if the only 2 choices were between Putin's country and 45th's?
> This is big time what-aboutism nothing else. Should I get a license to bully everyone in the hood 'cause one of my neighbour is a bad boy?
Uhh... what?

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