
Continue the story!

@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #20:
> Then the vegetarian and Louis who was still alive, ate the rest of the cheese

And then after the grand eating of cheese, the cheese was cut by louis. Louis said to the vegetarian, "pull my finger" and then he farted. Although, this seemed childish- it was a fart joke which the vegetarian loved, and stunk up the place making everyone else in the room wish they were dead from the terminators earlier. People overwhelmingly blamed the vegetarian for pulling his finger too ...
@Approximation said in #21:
> And then after the grand eating of cheese, the cheese was cut by louis. Louis said to the vegetarian, "pull my finger" and then he farted. Although, this seemed childish- it was a fart joke which the vegetarian loved, and stunk up the place making everyone else in the room wish they were dead from the terminators earlier. People overwhelmingly blamed the vegetarian for pulling his finger too ...
but then the vegetarian got angry and pulled the other people's fingers and those people also farted
Then the vegetarian pulled BAD terminator's hand and he farted to death!
And then the farts turned into a giant fart monster with the body of a snake and the head of John Cena.
@Coolname5823 said in #24:
> And then the farts turned into a giant fart monster with the body of a snake and the head of John Cena.
Then John Cena ate the body of the snake and hit the alive people including the vegetarian and louis and killed them
But one man that farted so much, was so used to the smell, and he was able to fight the floating fart face of John Cena. However he was farting so much during the battle, it was making the fart face of John Cena more powerful.
then john wick wakes up, but then coach emerson SLAMS HIM INTO A TABLE
@cubester1232 said in #29:
> then john wick wakes up, but then coach emerson SLAMS HIM INTO A TABLE
then the table turns out to be the fart monster in disguise and john wick passes through the table, doing a backflip while singing happy birthday with a Italian accent. The coach then decides...

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