
Longest Word?

Good thing my computer didn’t crash yay ohh it removed me from lichess...
And can anyone spell this word for me
Congratulation you just spelled the longest word it English lol
<Comment deleted by user>
Isn't that just some long weird scientific name for some long weird scientific molecule?
Tell the category, if there is no then there is a word with 189819 letters. But it is disputed whether to call it word or not by linguists.
The longest recognised word is 1909 and it is chemical name of E. Coli.
I guess that the above given `longest word' is a name of a type of protein. Whatever, longest names exist in Biology only. Lmao :)
@Rock_Ritvik said in #1:
> From what I hear 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' is the Longest word ever.
> YET, there is a word longer than that.
> Ahh yes it is:
> methionyl­threonyl­threony...
I found a longer one but I dun wanna type it out
Well, I wanted to write "sentence", but after seeing #1, I am pretty sure that even "sentences" are not long enough...

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