
What is your favorite cuisine?

English food. Bacon sandwich.. made even better with sausage, egg and black pudding. Beef stew with super cloudy soft dumplings for dinner. Or a beautifully cooked steak. No vegan crap in this house.
As an Indian, apart from our cuisine (which I like the most), I like Chinese as well.
Borscht with sour cream, and kvass....
I have never found nor eaten any food on planet Earth that is better than pizza and i am not even kidding about this.
@bugfan said in #1:
> my favorite three are
> 2) Mediterranean a relatively close second
> 3) Japanese (I just can't say I love Japanese food, and yeah I have worked at an Asian fusion restaurant (incorporating Japanese and Chinese food), as well as a Chinese restaurant, in the past)
> That above I have there is when not taking into account price. In other words, I'd rather attend a $20 Indian buffet (precisely when they open. melikefresh), rather than splurge on a Japanese restaurant with a $100 gift card.
I love the Indian foos

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