
is it true that chess improve your IQ?

I think practicing thinking skills (even by playing Chess) improves IQ on a correlative basis. It's not that all thought produces IQ, but it's definately something to ponder and grow on, especially if you Learn something from experimenting thought in a Chess game, and then maybe smarter answers can be produced, even on an IQ test. The brain is essentially a muscle. And, just like exercising muscles tend to grow muscles over time, the same is true with using your brain muscle on things, lifting mind weights.
IQ can only be increased through others’ detriment.
@Autofill said in #3:
> IQ can only be increased through others’ detriment.

I don't know what you have in mind, but Increasing IQ is not only to others' detriment (harm), unless we are talking about gaining an IQ advantage by destroying others' minds via warfare or drugs or putting out filth for them to process. The average IQ may be defined as 100, meaning it's competitive, especially to achieve higher levels of IQ, but being smarter is being smarter - it doesn't have to be to other people's detriment, being a negative experience for them. Also, people who score well (above average) can also tutor or teach others, bringing up the overall group intelligence, generationally.
There is no better refutation of that whole notion than reading through these sorts of threads.
existing on the lichess forums for more than a week will give you an answer.

spoiler: no.
Probably yes.

I noticed my IQ went up when I learned some mathematics in my 30ies. Simply because I had learned how to solve some of the puzzles. I reckon chess helps for being able to solve IQ-test puzzles as well.

And IQ test basically tests how good you are at solving logical/mathematical puzzles.
Yeah it is true chess increase our IQ
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Indirectly. It only improves your espacial memory (the ability to create models in your mind and how they work).

But if you have a lot of knowledge on different stuff, you can then use your spatial memory to combine said knowledge and come up with new ideas and stuff.

In other words, you use knowledge to generate more knowledge, and iq is the ability to solve problems, which you can solve by applying knowledge.

So, yes,chess helps, but you need to do the grind to learn as much as you can for everything you can.

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