
Are simultaneous logons allowed by the same account in different tabs to play multiple games?

I agree. in itself it is surely fine, why would people care? why is it even a hack or a workaround? it is technically possible and straightforward to do.

but again, depending on what exactly you do, you might get into trouble for other reasons.
There is no technical limitation on playing several games at once. As someone said you don't need to login in every tab. This is not "a hack" this is a feature.

There is however a fair play clause to the ToS, and sandbagging (the act of losing on purpose to get a low rating) is forbidden.
So if you keep losing every blitz for a week because you try to play two at once you'll have problems. Don't do that.

But if you just want to play several casual games at once with friends go ahead!
Yeah of course, we do this all the time. Just start playing bullet during classical when you're bored thinking. lol
It seems like the OP wants to see both games at the same time on screen. If you open Lichess in several tabs this is not the case. You have to switch back and forth between tabs. Possibly this is desirable because you are comparing the two games or want to immediately react if you see a move on either game.

Couldn't you pop out the tab by adding an extension to the browser? That way you wouldn't have to log in again.

Here is one such extension:

As far as i can see nothing speaks against this.
> Couldn't you pop out the tab by adding an extension to the browser?

You don't even need an extension: just click and drag the tab and it will detach and form a new window. You stay logged in when you do that. Just tested it to have 2 correspondence games side by side: it works fine. Lichess' design is responsive so the board and the interface resize automatically to adapt to the new window size!
I am usually logged in in iPhone browser and app with two different accounts simultaneously.

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