
The One Thing I Bring To Every OTB Tournament

I hope people understand that writing in a notebook while playing their game would be frowned upon and even called to the attention of a tournament director. The diary you are suggesting players keep should only be written in after or before round times.
Strange. When I asked judge about notes during the official OTB game. He said, that it is forbidden. What rules say about this?
This is not allowed at most tournaments. You can only record moves (maybe also clock times and starring important moves) but you can't take additional notes.
This is statet in the FIDE laws of chess in article 12:
"12.3 a. During play the players are forbidden to make use of any notes, sources of
information or advice, or analyse on another chessboard."
This would include making notes on a clean sheet of paper as you could use it later in the game or even as a reminder in the next moves.
@cons1stency said in #3:
> Strange. When I asked judge about notes during the official OTB game. He said, that it is forbidden. What rules say about this?

You arent allowed to take notes *DURING* the game, but after your done playing and have time to wait untill your next game you can take notes on the notebook.
It reminds me of the penalty bottle: you take a bottle and stick a paper with information on the weaknesses of the shooters, before the penalties you read the paper and memorize its contents and then play. such a thing can be interesting in chess, if you know a few days in advance who your opponent is, you can look for information about his weaknesses and strengths and memorize them before the tournament.