
ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)

you are not answering all questions if you wnat to prove it then
what is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism disease

lets see if you can answer this
@Saranya_Sett said in #80:
> Uh okay? but can you like tell me what the dash signifies?
The dash signifies the pencil writing, as it wanted to get on the paper!
@TEJA2506 said in #81:
> you are not answering all questions if you wnat to prove it then
> what is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism disease
> lets see if you can answer this
Ok. Let's see if I can answer this...
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, and ironically, it means the fear of long words. It originally was referred to as Sesquipedalophobia but was changed at some point to sound more intimidating.

Some people believe this phobia is irrational, but those who experience it understand it is substantial. Your mind can develop phobias toward anything, even if you know the fear isn’t rational.

Many people don’t seek professional help for their phobia and work to avoid it. However, understanding Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia can help you address the phobia and overcome some of the negative feelings associated with it.
Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis (/ˌnjuːmənoˌltrəˌmakrəˈskpkˌslkovlˌkenoˌkoniˈoss/ i[1][2]) is a 45-letter made-up word coined in 1935 by the then president of the National Puzzlers' League, Everett M. Smith. It has sometimes been used as a synonym for the occupational disease known as silicosis, but it should not be as most silicosis is not related to mining of volcanic dusts, and no evidence of silicosis has been found in populations exposed to crystalline silica in volcanic ash. It is the longest word in the English language published in a popular dictionary, Oxford Dictionaries, which defines it as "an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust".[3]

Clinical and toxicological research conducted on volcanic crystalline silica has found little to no evidence of its ability to cause silicosis/pneumo­coniosis-like diseases and geochemical analyses have shown that there are inherent factors in the crystalline structure which may render volcanic crystalline silica much less pathogenic than some other forms of crystalline silica.[4][5]

Silicosis is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by inflammation and scarring in the form of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs. It is a type of pneumoconiosis and is known in the United Kingdom and eastern United States as the "black lung".

Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis is the longest word in the English language. The word can be analysed as follows:

Pneumono: from ancient Greek (πνεύμων, pneúmōn) which means lungs
ultra: from Latin, meaning beyond
micro and scopic: from ancient Greek, meaning small looking, referring to the fineness of particulates
silico-: from Latin, silicon
volcano: from Latin, referring to volcano
coni: from ancient Greek (κόνις, kónis) which means dust
-osis: from ancient Greek, suffix to indicate a medical condition
This word was invented in the daily meeting from the National Puzzlers' League (N.P.L.) by its president Everett M. Smith. The word featured in the headline for an article published by the New York Herald Tribune on February 23, 1935, titled "Puzzlers Open 103rd Session Here by Recognizing 45-Letter Word":[6]

Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis succeeded electro­photo­micro­graphically as the longest word in the English language recognized by the National Puzzlers' League at the opening session of the organization's 103rd semi-annual meeting held yesterday at the Hotel New Yorker. The puzzlers explained that the forty-five-letter word is the synonym of a special form of pneumoconiosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of silica volcanic dust...

— As quoted from New York Herald Tribune[7] in reference[6]
Although it has been defined as an extension of pneumoconiosis, there is no scientific evidence for a similar disease related to volcanic silica particle exposures.[8]

Subsequently, the word was used in Frank Scully's puzzle book Bedside Manna, after which time, members of the N.P.L. campaigned to include the word in major dictionaries.[9][10]

This 45-letter word, referred to as "p45",[11] first appeared in the 1939 supplement to the Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary, Second Edition.[12]

Any references on the internet to pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis or silicosis being caused by 'sharp particles [which] lacerate lining of lungs; causing victim to leak air from their lungs while simultaneously bleeding into their lung cavity'[13] are inaccurate. Particles of a size able to enter the lung (< 10 μm diameter) gently settle on the lung lining rather than cutting or abrading the surface.

There. I have said two, now figure out what the other two are, Mr. @TEJA2506!!
@alexObby21 said in #84:
> Ok. Let's see if I can answer this...
> Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, and ironically, it means the fear of long words. It originally was referred to as Sesquipedalophobia but was changed at some point to sound more intimidating.
> Some people believe this phobia is irrational, but those who experience it understand it is substantial. Your mind can develop phobias toward anything, even if you know the fear isn’t rational.
> Many people don’t seek professional help for their phobia and work to avoid it. However, understanding Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia can help you address the phobia and overcome some of the negative feelings associated with it.
> Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis (/ˌnjuːmənoˌltrəˌmakrəˈskpkˌslkovlˌkenoˌkoniˈoss/ i[1][2]) is a 45-letter made-up word coined in 1935 by the then president of the National Puzzlers' League, Everett M. Smith. It has sometimes been used as a synonym for the occupational disease known as silicosis, but it should not be as most silicosis is not related to mining of volcanic dusts, and no evidence of silicosis has been found in populations exposed to crystalline silica in volcanic ash. It is the longest word in the English language published in a popular dictionary, Oxford Dictionaries, which defines it as "an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust".[3]
> Clinical and toxicological research conducted on volcanic crystalline silica has found little to no evidence of its ability to cause silicosis/pneumo­coniosis-like diseases and geochemical analyses have shown that there are inherent factors in the crystalline structure which may render volcanic crystalline silica much less pathogenic than some other forms of crystalline silica.[4][5]
> Silicosis is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by inflammation and scarring in the form of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs. It is a type of pneumoconiosis and is known in the United Kingdom and eastern United States as the "black lung".
> Etymology
> Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis is the longest word in the English language. The word can be analysed as follows:
> Pneumono: from ancient Greek (πνεύμων, pneúmōn) which means lungs
> ultra: from Latin, meaning beyond
> micro and scopic: from ancient Greek, meaning small looking, referring to the fineness of particulates
> silico-: from Latin, silicon
> volcano: from Latin, referring to volcano
> coni: from ancient Greek (κόνις, kónis) which means dust
> -osis: from ancient Greek, suffix to indicate a medical condition
> This word was invented in the daily meeting from the National Puzzlers' League (N.P.L.) by its president Everett M. Smith. The word featured in the headline for an article published by the New York Herald Tribune on February 23, 1935, titled "Puzzlers Open 103rd Session Here by Recognizing 45-Letter Word":[6]
> Pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis succeeded electro­photo­micro­graphically as the longest word in the English language recognized by the National Puzzlers' League at the opening session of the organization's 103rd semi-annual meeting held yesterday at the Hotel New Yorker. The puzzlers explained that the forty-five-letter word is the synonym of a special form of pneumoconiosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of silica volcanic dust...
> — As quoted from New York Herald Tribune[7] in reference[6]
> Although it has been defined as an extension of pneumoconiosis, there is no scientific evidence for a similar disease related to volcanic silica particle exposures.[8]
> Subsequently, the word was used in Frank Scully's puzzle book Bedside Manna, after which time, members of the N.P.L. campaigned to include the word in major dictionaries.[9][10]
> This 45-letter word, referred to as "p45",[11] first appeared in the 1939 supplement to the Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary, Second Edition.[12]
> Any references on the internet to pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis or silicosis being caused by 'sharp particles [which] lacerate lining of lungs; causing victim to leak air from their lungs while simultaneously bleeding into their lung cavity'[13] are inaccurate. Particles of a size able to enter the lung (< 10 μm diameter) gently settle on the lung lining rather than cutting or abrading the surface.
> There. I have said two, now figure out what the other two are, Mr. @TEJA2506!!

wow I mean literally wow thank you for all the information!! @alexObby21

thanks but I asked @Saranya_Sett to see if they could answer.

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