
How can i get 2300-2400 rating on lichess?

do you know how to get 2300-2400 rating on lichess?
Well... We are both rated 2000, in our best here.

Victory = 1 point; Draw = 0,5 Points.
To get to the ELO 2200, you need to get 75% of the points disputed against ELO 2000, which you are right now...

To reach ELO 2400, you will need to earn 75% of the disputed points against ELO 2200...

So, you are quite far from there, but you can do it!
Seeing so many players with blitz ratings almost equal or slightly lower than mine makes me think I can reach 2100 rapid :P
Well anyway here's a link that might help(not rickroll)-
And if you don't trust me and you think it's rickroll, then IDK what to do.
Edit- whoops I forgot the video displays on lichess, but I am not going to edit "not a rickroll" out because it's funny.
I don't understand questions like "how do I get better in chess" at all. I mean, how do you get better in any discipline? By working on your skills! Isn't this obvious?

It would have been a legitimate question if the OP had identified a certain field (say, tactics or rook endgames) where he is not good enough and then asked for a book which could help him. But he didn't do that. He just asked for some sort of magic pill which would propel him 400 points upwards on the rating scale. Well, it doesn't work like that.
I don't know if it's a serious question because the obvious answer is just by improving your chess.

Otherwise, you have a few options. Easiest is to close your account, make a new one, and win the first few games against players rated 2000 without losing any. Statistically speaking you should manage to get 2400 once in a while.

Then of course you could just play white and / or search your optimal opponent profile. Also accept seeks from people where you first have looked through their games and openings and prepared a little.

Preparing against opponents is actually a main part of OTB chess at a higher level.
A) For the next 3 years : Study like crazy ! Work Super hard ! ---> and hope you have the requisite natural abillity

( Note : If you lack that requisite ability, go to "C" )

B) Don't concern yourself with attaining such an elite rating

C) Give up, and resign yourself to a bleak, joyless existence

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