
Antichess players ask about Townes-paycheck player :D

Townes-paycheck one of the first players in Antichess.
He Blocked his account
All Antichess players( The players who play everyday ) ask about him in chat tourney and inboxes ? He will be back or not ?! why he closed definitely his account ? :D
Townes 8ayeb 3an lichess w sakker profile bte3ou .. ness2élou hal bech yarja3 wélla ?
Definitely everyone of our antichess community misses him badly :(
I hope he will comeback soon...

Meanwhile we can make assumption about the reason that caused his sudden disappearance !!
Guys i'm sorry i missed the whole thing.. I hope the gang will be back

Why everyone has closed his account and things have become gloomy here!? Let's rock, guys!
How the hell can you get your ID back :P
I want Mine too ...... :)

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