
Hey what's your discord username?

@LordSupremeChess said in #30:
> Wait...
> What's my Lichess username again?? I forgot.
Majesty, you are the supreme lord of chess. Please bestow your blessings upon us!
@LordSupremeChess said in #33:
> The word who's name was misspelled is who cares.

Dude-... its spelt Astronomer

Context for the readers: got confused because he put the word "name" in there
@LordSupremeChess said in #35:
> I meant the word he said, not his name...

sry your sentence ">The word who's name was misspelled is who cares."
Made no sense. Probably because you added the word "name" in there

(literally put what he said in quotes so dont bother correcting me for the word "whose")
@Savage_Water said in #36:
> sry your sentence ">The word who's name was misspelled is who cares."
> Made no sense. Probably because you added the word "name" in there
Also, it's whose not who's

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