
creating multipath tactics problems.

i make the suggestion that there should be multiple correct paths for some of the tactics problems because i have personally lost tactics rating points to a couple of them, notably #Z3b9I which has multiple paths of identical lengths. the solution involves the first move 1. ...ke7 2.b4, but from there, either axb4 or c4 leads to the same length finish using the same theme of queen on the diagonal checkmate and bk not on the 8th rank.within the c4 path there are even two subpaths that are again equal length, being whether white takes the pawn on b5 or not. none of the paths is wrong because they are all the same length and all rely on the same themes, the only difference is how many pawns black has left when applying the checkmate.
2... c4?? is in fact a blunder. White can play 3. b5! and you have a choice:
- to stalemate White right away, for example by 3... c3 or
- to lose the game by 3... Ke7 4. Kg7 and 5. h8=Q
If you have any doubts about your solution, you can always check it with Stockfish after finishing a puzzle. I hope I helped you!
indeed, i missed a move order, but it doesn't change the point. although on thinking about it, the title is misworded, in that the idea behind the suggestion could create a new category of problems where a theme rather than a set move is displayed, where more than one move is not incorrect in that it displays an awareness of the idea of the theme, and/or more than one path is possible showing the same.

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