
How to differentiate between trolling and sacrifice?

@KenulL_76 said in #8:
> Its not only of course in my view its basically doing extra, unnecessary things with intent to annoy or sadden the victim, in this case playing this position with hopes for a stalemate can be destroyed with the embarrassment of getting checkmated by 8 knights. Similarly in a position where you have the upper hand, your opponent might add you time this can be seen as an insult because instead of moving they just keep adding time. another example is when an arena tournament is close to ending, your opponent stalls not giving you the point

Also, subjectively someone might say that stalling at the end of an arena tournament is a valid strategy to keep the opponent from getting the point. It might annoy you but for many it looks like a good plan.
@Shiroyasha47 said in #11:
> Also, subjectively someone might say that stalling at the end of an arena tournament is a valid strategy to keep the opponent from getting the point. It might annoy you but for many it looks like a good plan.
an unethical plan, you are just denying the win for your opponent just because you fked up
@Cedur216 said in #10:
> "I know I cannot be tricked" is super cocky in the first place. If you really cannot be tricked, why not be happy about a free win? I guess the main quest for you is to fix your cranky attitude, I guess we can't help you much with that.

So that means trolling is allowed? The opponent can do whatever they want but I will have to bear. If that's the case then fine, but please confirm this beforehand it is allowed on not. As on one hand I am lectured that trolling is a bad thing and now I am lectured about let them annoy you.
@Shiroyasha47 said in #13:
> se confirm this beforehand it is allowed on not. As on one hand I am lectured that trolling is a bad thing and now I am lectured about let them annoy you.
theres always a resign button you know
@KenulL_76 said in #14:
> theres always a resign button you know

By that you mean, I should resign if I am being trolled?
@Shiroyasha47 said in #15:
> By that you mean, I should resign if I am being trolled?
if your feelings get hurt after your opponent basically hands you the win, then sure
@KenulL_76 said in #16:
> if your feelings get hurt after your opponent basically hands you the win, then sure

Cool. So the takeaways of this discussions are: (1) Trolling/ Annoying others is allowed. (2) One could resign if they get trolled. Thank you all for your time.
The objective in chess is to win the game. If your opponent plays badly, prove your superiority over the board. Maybe they are genuinely an idiot compared to you or they are in a global conspiracy to upset your wellbeing. Either way, win the game and move to the next.
Noone is obligated to resign as long as they play on without an intentional waste of time. Stalemate can happen at any time, especially in a time scramble, especially when you're careless from your inner upset.
Noone is obligated to checkmate you the fastest way possible. They can get multiple queens or knights all they want, you can always resign if you don't want to bear that, or you can hope for a stalemate from THEIR carelessness!
Finally, the rules are not obligated to cater for your odd sensitivities or your lack of common sense. You can always read the ToS, they cover all relevant forms of cheating and bad sportsmanship
@Shiroyasha47 said in #17:
> Cool. So the takeaways of this discussions are: (1) Trolling/ Annoying others is allowed. (2) One could resign if they get trolled. Thank you all for your time.
the takeaway of this discussion is not everything is trolling, and just because you have sensitive feelings doesnt mean everyone is wrong here, if your opponent 'hurts you by breaking your castle' (boo hoo btw) just dont give a fk and play your best