
Lichess Game of the Month August - Contest

Here is my best game of the month August of 2023 .
It has a bishop sacrifice leading to a mate (gived with a knight) in 3 moves :
Hello everybody! Its my first time posting so I don't know what's going to happen.

This is my game where I counted mate in 5, at last it was a shameless mate with a pawn :)
My two best games:

The first 19...e3!! and then and the last final move 28...b5!!

20...Bxa2+! The great bishop sacrifice 24...Nxe4! Great Knight tactics and the final 26...b3!! sacrificing the pawn for the mate!

Can't imagine it'll win but it's a niceish game

I missed the mate in 4 and the perpetual check but I saw the mate in the end

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