
Search "user:chicken_buttt"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate bullet, blitz, etc. tournaments on the open tournament screen#6

I looked into previous variant tournaments and they seem to have been replaced by hippobullet tournaments, whatever those are... for example, this "Hourly Hippobullet Arena" is supposed to be an Hourl…

Lichess Feedback - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate bullet, blitz, etc. tournaments on the open tournament screen#2

It also seems like all the variant tournaments have been deleted, and have been replaced with normal chess tournaments.

Lichess Feedback - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate bullet, blitz, etc. tournaments on the open tournament screen#1

I just checked the open tournaments tab and there's a shit ton of tournaments available, all with same names. I'm pretty sure it's a bug or a mistake. See screenshot to see what I mean (this is just a…

General Chess Discussion - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate (?) tournaments on the open tournament screen#4

Ah never mind I found it, will post there.

General Chess Discussion - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate (?) tournaments on the open tournament screen#3

@DaniAlYazdAni said in #2: > post this in feedback. Where?

General Chess Discussion - Strange bug with a bunch of duplicate (?) tournaments on the open tournament screen#1

I just checked the open tournaments tab and there's a shit ton of tournaments available. I'm pretty sure it's a bug or a mistake. See screenshot to see what I mean (this is just a tiny portion of all …

General Chess Discussion - analysis bug???#2

this is the game for reference:

General Chess Discussion - analysis bug???#1

so I recently analyzed my bullet game and found this: i thought this was a little strange because opponent basically already lost so i reload the page. then the blunder is…

General Chess Discussion - Why did the engine consider this a blunder?#2

How to delete this forum post? I figured it out.

General Chess Discussion - Multiple occasions of someone(not me) from Germany signing into my account#1

I recently checked the security tab in my settings and realized that there were many devices from Germany signing into my account for weeks without me noticing. Screenshot:…
