
Search "user:Caniball74"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - titled in lichess#1

How can I become (A) FM or (A) IM or ( A) GM? What are the conditions? Do I need to participate in liches tournaments or can I win a title by defeating titled players? Thanks for answers! Greetings fr…

Енисейская Сибирь - Контроль турниров "Енисейская Сибирь"#2

Привет! Для мен удобно проведения турнир в 17-15 мск время. Контроль - 5+0. Поздравляю, Теодор Апостолов

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Lichess Feedback - comp automaticaly make my first move#5

lol yes hahaha :)))) thank you

Lichess Feedback - comp automaticaly make my first move#2

I lost at least 10 games in this tournament after the computer automatically played the first move and my time was running out. In this game you can see that the move is played, but I lose time. The o…

Lichess Feedback - comp automaticaly make my first move#1

I lost at least 10 games in this tournament after the computer automatically played the first move and my time was running out. In this game you can see that the move is played, but I lose time. The o…

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