
Search "user:FastMate"

26 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Being accused for cheating for no reason#6

False accusation, it happens. If nothing was done to your account, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I were you. And in general, fraud in online chess is impossible to avoid and in most cases impo…

Lichess Feedback - Why No Tournaments for Players Rated ≤2200 on Lichess?#1

Hey, There are many tournaments open to all ratings, but what's missing are tournaments specifically for players with a rating of ≤2200. The 2000-2200 rating range is densely populated, and players in…

Game analysis - Puzzle - Only a GM can solve it.#3

@TotallyCheeting said in #2: > Rxe5, Rxe5, Nc4. This wins a piece. If you discovered it on your own, then the glory is yours, the right answer. It is difficult for the human eye to find the move Nc4. …

Game analysis - Puzzle - Only a GM can solve it.#1

Of course, I didn't see it myself in the Blitz game, but later analysis showed that white is +7 here. Don't use the computer, find a winning move. White to move. The first one to post the right answer…

Game analysis - Make more blunders and win more games!#1

World record, most blunders (21) and still victory. Ok, I won on time, so the result is questionable. I was black. On average, every third move was a blunder :)

Lichess Feedback - Is there a feature where you can look back at the puzzles solved in puzzle racer? +some ideas#5

@Maxmwoan If you can't find solution in 2 seconds.. .you just make a lucky guess. You can't do the same in puzzle storm.

Lichess Feedback - Is there a feature where you can look back at the puzzles solved in puzzle racer? +some ideas#3

And there's no penalty for making mistakes? IMO every mistake should remove one point.

Game analysis - Queen is hanging paradox#1

This happens ridiculously often, queen is hanging and nobody sees it, not me, not my opponent. It's like too easy... can't be real and brain ignores it.

Game analysis - Learning chess openings is boring, but maybe not always!#6

Sure, chess can be boring.

Game analysis - Learning chess openings is boring, but maybe not always!#4

This is hope & fun chess. If he sees it..... well, you are not going to insta lose or something, but yes, you will be pawn down. You can premove knight E7, and this is of course for bullets or blitz. …
