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433 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - forums on home page#3

edit: i can't see it on my computer either. dunno why lichess would remove this feature, it's not like it was hurting anything and it was all the way at the bottom of the page anyway

Lichess Feedback - forums on home page#1

I often look at the forums on here, but a few days ago they stopped showing up - I'm using a browser on a phone. i can still access them through the forums button on the menu, but that's inconvenient

General Chess Discussion - Man discovers genius plan that works in any chess game#16

wait, I think I'm on board with this idea - now bongcloud is viable, it's not castling!

General Chess Discussion - Man discovers genius plan that works in any chess game#13

@NickUK1969 said in #1: > All you do it seems is castle opposite and shove all your pawns forward toward the enemy king... > its genius is in its simplicity... > forget 'weak squares' and 'colour comp…

General Chess Discussion - How are Bullet, Blitz and other time controls decided?#3

there's some info about it in the FAQ I believe

Lichess Feedback - Omar#2

@Omerosama said in #1: > So please put a verification on each move iam starving over there with miss clicks that iam doing at multiple games pleaseeeee answer and do it .. someone asked this super rec…

Game analysis - Have you done this legendary checkmate before?#15

not exactly one in a trillion when there's 460 million lichess games...

Game analysis - Have you done this legendary checkmate before?#11

exact combination of moves is one thing but if you haven't castle, one of your rooms hasn't moved, and you're up a queen and another rook against king, for example, you can certainly force a castle-ma…

Lichess Feedback - How to get a Title on Lichess?#5

or... y'know... read the giant thing that says "YOUR QUESTION MAY HAVE AN ANSWER IN THE FAQ"…
