
Search "user:MdShuvo79"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How many players in Lichess have the Title of International Master (IM)#1

I have won against CM , FM and also NM . But no IM is paired against me , is it because there are less IM title in Lichess?

General Chess Discussion - What is the best strategy to win a game of blitz (3+0)#1

I am rated around 1950 in blitz, I have a good result in bullet ratting 2100+. I Don't know why I am unable to have a good result in blitz. Please share your own strategy, and sugesstion to me

Lichess Feedback - 600 and 700 play petfect games#5

Give the links of the games

Community Blog Discussions - How to be a GM in 1 year#1

Comments on

General Chess Discussion - Level 7 ai is a show-off#2

I think as you took a different and difficult position, it needs to go more depth to find the best move, but as this is customize to move in a few seconds, it cant make the best move and makes mistake…

General Chess Discussion - Why do I not gain any ratting for an absent opponent in swiss tournament#4

@Brian-E said in #3: > There is no rating adjustment for any game, whether in a tournament or not, if the game isn't played (or if the game is aborted on move 1). @Brian-E in Arena tournaments there i…

General Chess Discussion - Why do I not gain any ratting for an absent opponent in swiss tournament#1

I joined a swiss tournament of 5+3 format . My opponent was not there so the time runs for 5 mins and I win and get tournament 1 point . But I don't get and ratting points . Also in the classical swis…
