
Search "user:djungelskog"

155 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Proposing a new piece in chess: the Behemoth#7

Conspiracy Theory: The Behemoth is Roko's Basilisk but for chess.

General Chess Discussion - Chess rating calculation needs to change#8

By definition a fluke is a rare occurrence, overtime, the system will correct for this "fluke". When you say "evaluated by their performance", what do you mean exactly? Would a computer evaluate their…

General Chess Discussion - longest game in lichess history?#13,34082%20according%20to%20a%20calculation. For those who are curious as I was, here is an article exploring the maximum length that could be attaine…

Lichess Feedback - Cheater stockfish server analysis refund is possible?#8

@GoodELO Yeah I'm sure there are, the devs wouldn't want to encourage it and create more work for themselves.

Lichess Feedback - Cheater stockfish server analysis refund is possible?#6

A cheater hunter badge is a really neat idea, could encourage people to learn more about spotting cheaters accurately and how chess engines work (vs. our brains). I guess it could also encourage a lot…

General Chess Discussion - Finally! No more 1500? Pairings#32

@Linspiring said in #14: > @djungelskog Good idea in your first paragraph, but your second one is pretty condescending. How do you know he blames all of his losses on this problem. That sounds like a …

General Chess Discussion - Finally! No more 1500? Pairings#11

I have two pieces of advice: 1. Whenever you queue up for a game, sometimes the automatic pairing takes over, and sometimes someone joins your game. If YOU want to be in control, just join other peopl…

Lichess Feedback - 1500? Cheaters#4

If an IP address opens up many accounts and they are repeatedly banned, their IP address can be backlisted from the site (they can no longer access the site from that computer). Here are a few example…

General Chess Discussion - How to move your chess pieces fast?#11

I was simply answering the OP's question. The KB extension exists and is allowed. It DOES allow players who practice it to play faster. Whether people should use it or if it should be allowed on the s…

General Chess Discussion - How to move your chess pieces fast?#6

Personally, I dislike it very much. However, it is a relatively common way of moving pieces so quickly.
