
Search "user:heckerboy"

1219 forum posts
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Off-Topic Discussion - big bully#1

Off-Topic Discussion - 1=-1#11

what number is equal to its sum with one, only infinity

Off-Topic Discussion - X/0#5

@Passionate_Player said in #3: > Approaching zero doesn't mean equalling zero. > You just can't divide a number by nothing. it is the closest we got

Off-Topic Discussion - X/0#4

@Stork2137 bard proving it if we imagine a hotel with an infinite number of negative-numbered rooms and an infinite number of positive-numbered rooms, then the hotel can accommodate an infinite number…

Off-Topic Discussion - X/0#1

Lets suppose the Y=0 we get X/Y now lets suppose we have y1 = 0.00(Z time)1 y2 = 0.00(Z time)1 the bigger Z is, the more y approaches 0 for y1 the bigger is z the bigger the number for y1 the bigger i…

Lichess Feedback - The bug solved#2

Steps on how to solve Enter this link : click add extention if there is any authorisation message ac…

Lichess Feedback - The board size is too large#47

@maya_von_doll said in #46: > Yeah that is IT. Why not bring in Data Structures and Algorithms as well? Lol. LOL this probably is not related to the issue XD as this is more of a front end essue proba…

Lichess Feedback - The board size is too large#45

@maya_von_doll said in #44: > But why bring in IT for the chess guys? Not a lot of folk here know it. there is no it here, just bing lichess styles and download the first extension you find
