
Search "user:kiritolemon"

178 forum posts
Game analysis - How is 16. Bxe4?? a blunder?#7

I don't think its a blunder. Lichess have a tendency of over-rating and under-rating moves. For me just a dubious move, doesn't throws the win away, still white holds the advantage at the end.

IM kiritolemon
General Chess Discussion - What I did to climb from 2000 to 2100 on Lichess#3

Sure Way on how to increase rating : 1.Play Chess 2.Play Chess 3.Play Chess

IM kiritolemon
Game analysis - As usual.#3

Sacrifice the king for you not to lose :P.

IM kiritolemon
Game analysis - Don't keep your King in the center!!#7

Hold my beer @KarenDestroyer

IM kiritolemon
General Chess Discussion - Play me!#7

Lets play shogi

IM kiritolemon
Game analysis - What the HUTT??? #5

@FireCheetah using takebacks doesn't make you better though. In real games, you can't takeback.

IM kiritolemon
General Chess Discussion - Insulting and Swearing #33 How to deal with takebacks my friend (and maybe how to torture your opponent, all in one) @meghanvorster wrong game i think but yeah, still offering draw is the same as repeat…

IM kiritolemon
General Chess Discussion - Why doesn't black resign when I play Ke2?#8

You cannot resign when its checkmate

IM kiritolemon
General Chess Discussion - Why doesn't black resign when I play Ke2?#6

I'm confused

IM kiritolemon
Game analysis - Game that made my heart beat 150+ bpm#7 <---- flexes torturing skills

IM kiritolemon