
Search "user:nick123987"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why is the Sicillian Defense so popular?#3

It's imbalanced, interesting and can lead to very dynamic positions, which might be what black wants to overcome the imbalance of white going first

General Chess Discussion - Is this allowed?#6

its legal, just somewhat frowned upon by some members of the ultrabullet community

General Chess Discussion - Tips for bullet/ultra bullet?#11

^^^ assuming you are really low on time but winning on the board

General Chess Discussion - Tips for bullet/ultra bullet?#10

learn mates well, and if your down on time and can't figure out how to mate, take all of your opponents pieces so at least you can secure a draw, and it gives u easy targets you can identify without t…

General Chess Discussion - why do people report me so much#17

Your forum posts and replies show up on your profile, theres a lot of them

General Chess Discussion - Game Analysis#5

@AlienChess86 I just got the book for Christmas and it is great

General Chess Discussion - Which chess streamer is your favourite ?#14

I love the chessbrahs, not super educational, but always good energy

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle#4

Study of this tactic is going up on my profile as well

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle#2

basically Bd6 for black after is kind of annoying because after rxg4 and the king moving, black has threats of taking the knight and bishop or perpetual
