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62 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Identification of cheaters#11

@SioncePatLilly said in #10: > @tryan82 Those are actually interesting questions. And yes, you are right; I'm playing a game that I don't understand and cheating to win at that game which I don't know…

General Chess Discussion - Identification of cheaters#5

@SioncePatLilly said in #2: > If you think someone is a cheater you could always ask them. They might admit believe it or not. I looked at your games. (Why) Did you cheat?

General Chess Discussion - The New "Evidence" Against Hans Niemann is Average Centipawn Loss analysis#3

Many of the smartest data analysts will have opinions. Many of the greatest chess players... And so on... And in the end, none of these opinions will mean anything. These people decide: " The members …

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish level 8 "fairy"?#1

2 small questions: Where about is stockfish level 8 in blitz 3-0 ELO /rating wise? What's with "fairy"? It's making mistakes on purpose or something?

General Chess Discussion - new article re emails between GM Maxim Dlugy and

To me, the most annoying part, is watching chess dot com bend over backwards to protect titled repeat offenders... Like, 3 accounts for that scammer Dlugy... Come on! Stop being so fake nice. Put up a…

General Chess Discussion - Magnus Carlsen withdraws from Sinquefield Cup#76

Well, I posted in this thread yesterday, right after watching Hikaru's video... And now I'm watching watch?v=CJZuT-_kij0 ..And I now believe Hans again... Having to argue actions you took as a 12 yr o…

General Chess Discussion - Magnus Carlsen withdraws from Sinquefield Cup#32

I watched Hans on twitch... So many people pay real money... If he cheated in online chess while streaming, he should even be made to refund all twitch subs. And if he cheated irl... Chess career over…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#467

It's a new age religion, and some billionaires are using an autistic girl who should be in school. She's already gonna struggle, and they are making things harder for her. It's really child abuse, chi…

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#113

Join chess24. No propaganda there so far.

Lichess Feedback - Why politics on Lichess?#84

Yeah, that Greta propaganda turned me off too. I come for quick games, and I am faced with that new age religion on the main page... chess24 now maybe?
