
Three Check Titles

1 member

Hey! This is the official team for three check titles. If you have been 2000 rated in three check, you may ask to join the team.


TWCM - Female, 1900 in 3+
TCM - Either Gender, 1950 in 3+
TWFM/TWNM - Female, (depends on if you are in a country that uses USCF or FIDE but the same category) 2000 in 3+
TFM/TNM - (depends on if you are in a country that uses USCF or FIDE but the same category) 2050 in 3+
TWIM - Female, 2100 in 3+
TIM - 2150 in 3+
TWGM - 2200 in 3+
TGM 2250 in 3+
TWSGM 2300 in 3+
TSGM 2350 in 3+


TCM: 0
TWFM/TWNM: 1, 2150 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TFM/TNM: 1, 2200 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TWIM: 2, 2200 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TIM: 2, 2250 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TWGM: 3, 2300 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TGM: 3, 2350 preformance with 12 games or more and in the top 5 in the tournament
TWGM/TSGM: 3, 2400 preformance with 12 games or more and top 5 in the tournament

For questions, go to or and send questions.

Regarding Gender related titles, If you are faking being a girl, it doesn't really matter cause you will feel worse on the inside. If you are a girl and have a title, Great job! :)

NORM Tournaments will happen twice a week once we have 15 titled players!