
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
New time control options?4
by AyaanshGaur12
"Computer analysis" (fishnet) is weaker compared to local6
by Patrizsche
blitz (5+0) rating variations: something strange7
by A Lichess Moderator
Why does the engine only look for mistakes and not for good moves?25
by AyaanshGaur12
Sharjah Masters Tournament Hyperlink0
by Chess_Poems
Shouldn't my w/l ratio be closer to 50/50 if I'm auto-matched against equally rated opponents?3
by corvusmellori
Blocking players in broadcasts' chats0
by ITendToEatPlants
Knight & Bishop Mate Complete2
by nikitchessplayer
by few2
Illegal castling by stockfish 165
by chesshowler
How to create a chapter in the study where only a part of a broadcast game is shown11
by dboing
by bufferunderrun
My profile can't count2
by bufferunderrun
My rated games...aren't getting rated?2
by Cedur216
Losing on time when opponent doesn't have enough material to checkmate6
by YYCEngineer