
My IQ is higher than your.

@Nisko1234 said in #7:
> How can someone have bases? Not One person is neither a lamp, nor an army. And if he does have a base, then it's his, it doesn't become yours just because you claim that it does - there are financial courts to handle these things.
You can't say this for sure. I'm quite a good pupil at my school with one of the best average marks, but I'm scared of making an IQ test. If it was lower than my expectations, it would make me sad and self-concious. If it was higher, I would get arrogant and I'm scared of this so much that I'm not giving my best. So I don't know my IQ and you surely do not too. We can't say whose is higher. Maybe you're part of MENSA and feel smarter than we, but there is always someone smarter. We are 8 billion people on the world, who promises you there is no one higher?
I joined Mensa when I was 18 and I was really disappointed. I went to only one meeting expecting good conversation and what I found were a bunch of people trying to impress each other with their particular brand of knowledge and I never went to another meeting.
I believe you have the right idea concerning IQ. IQ tests measure how well you do on IQ tests and are no indication of your success in life. Hard work and application are more important than a number on a piece of paper.
Your iq might be higher than mine. But your chess ratings are not!

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