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Loser's Chess

ChessOff topicTournamentChess variant
Available in Liantichess and FICS

What is loser's chess?

Loser's chess is a chess varient that runs on the rules of antichess but kings can castle and capturing the king is not allowed checks and promoting to kings are also not alowed.So you have to get stalemated or checkmated to win.

Example game

(This was played on Liantichess.I won due to my opponent stalemating me. Stockfish thinks its normal chess but its loser's)

A teeny problem

As this is not antichess,giving away a lot of pieces at once can cost u losing the game. Becuz if u have a blocked pawn you could lose as white can sacrifice all his pieces near your pawn.

The most common opening trap

Pls be sure to check out cFlour's work too


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