
Preview: FIDE World Chess Championship 2023

nice blog, yeah this one is a close match, reminds me of creative play vs strong positional good luck to them
"Alexander Alekhine had a rather convincing reason, having died two years earlier." That's an external reason, so Alexander Alekhin didn't own that reason: his death wasn't by his choice... Okay, irony I guess, but it could be rephrased in a better way, isn't it!?
"Alexander Alekhine had a rather convincing reason, having died two years earlier." That's an external reason, so A.A. didn't own that reason: his death wasn't by his choice... Okay, irony I guess, but it could be rephrased in a better way, isn't it!?
Huge LUL. Of course Fischer did not "find the proposed match format unfair". Instead, he was simply afraid of losing to a superior player (Karpov) and did not manage to squeeze Fide to help him tweak the format to his liking (as he did previously in the candidates as well as in the match vs Spassky). This notorious propaganda portraying Fischer as someone only interested in fair conditions for all the chessplayers is getting annoying. Actually, it was annoying already in the 70-s, and did not get any better since then. Yet, if so many Americans believe in that, it can't be wrong, can it?
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> Instead, he was simply afraid of losing to a superior player (Karpov) and did not manage to squeeze Fide to help him tweak the format to his liking

Karpov was a far superior FIDE squeezer too!

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