
Happy International Women's day

I wonder how many of these "international women" are even aware that it's their big day...
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> I wonder how many of these "international women" are even aware that it's their big day...
Happy international womens day! (I didn’t know that was a thing, but I’m glad it is)
Well, on the surface, it's just a riff on the preceding post-- it's wordplay based on the use of the word "Happy" in the thread title.
On a deeper level, there's room for interpretation. Perhaps it's a reminder that women shouldn't be respected on just one day. Perhaps it's a cynical take on the lack of meaning behind a "women's day". Perhaps I was just being silly.
@clousems said in #3:
> ...and how many of them are happy about it.

I'll let you guess who was not happy. It triggered one of too many question of the day/month/year/century?!
I wish happiness and health to our dear girls and women!

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