
Irrational fears

Do you have any?
I don't.
But I'm scared I might develop some.
It is not foolish to give up what you can't possibly keep
in exchange for what you can't possibly lose
Even if I did, I wouldn't say them out loud because they would hear it with their listening devices and use it to oppress me with and force me to do stuff I don't want to do.
Like swallowing a live whale.
(fear of not being foolish)

Asking for a favor from someone you know wiil help you
One of my fears is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Even writing this sentence scared the life out of me!
I have rational fears and irrational fears, real fears and imaginary fears, I have complex fears and transcendantal fears.
A girl in my class had a massive phobia of gherkins and when she unwisely announced it to everyone. People ended up bringing gherkins to school just to make her faint. Moral of the story - don’t tell people your irrational fears! They may use it against you ;)

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