
TCWC Scheduling

I messaged everyone regarding their matches, next reminder in DMs will be on Wednesday
Appreciate everyone that watches, likes, comments, subscribes, etc. ^^

It all helps these videos reach more viewers. Let's spread that 3 check fire! Put this one on repeat!

Special thanks to @Ukranian_BishOps & @dejori for coming on the stream and doing a great job w/ the guest commentary!

This was awesome ツ More to come soon ツ
To be clear, 1st October deadline applies only to Losers Round 1, not Round 2, so my match against @FC7PLAY can be played after that day and its deadline will be somewhere around 2 weeks later, right?
@e-pluszak said in #68:
> To be clear, 1st October deadline applies only to Losers Round 1, not Round 2, so my match against @FC7PLAY can be played after that day and its deadline will be somewhere around 2 weeks later, right?

Yea, you guys can schedule your match after October 1st the deadline won't be applied, but if you guys want to play your match sooner you can it's up to the two of you (1 match every two weeks is forced, while 2 matches is optional I guess you can say) < the main cause for this would be due to your opponent, since they had already played this round's deadline

So to make it clearer, every Saturday when I make the announcement for who plays who, it's whoevers name I write down that has to play (player vs player pairings), while as the names that stay absent can optionally choose with their opponent whether or not they want to play this round

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