
This weeks special tournament 8/3/22 $50 earned by winner of this tournament. The player must be on the Zoom call to earn this prize to reduce the opportunity to cheat.

Zoom meeting is open to EVERYONE regardless of if they participate in the tournament and/or are members of the Chess Vets LiChess team. Join us on Zoom.

When meeting starts at 6:30pm (cst), we will post the link on the tournament page. IMPORTANT: You do not need to enter the tournament to view this.

6:30-7:30pm (cst). This time is used to socialize and instruct. At 7:30, move to a breakout room to talk or MUTE mics when tournament starts.

This tournament will start with the move order 1.e4 e5 2. Bf4 aka. Modern London.

This is an ARENA tournament. If you never have played in one before. You absolutely should read LiChess rules concerning it. Especially about the Berserk option.

If you need to step away from tournament for ANY reason, press PAUSE to keep from getting auto booted by the server. To reenter tournament, press PLAY.

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