
Season 11 - Second Level - Group C

This is a Forum thread of the Correspondence League Season 11

The purpose of these forum threads are:
-To have a place where all group games can be viewed, followed and monitored
-The white player of every game is responsible to post the game here
-Threads can also include other group relevant information like results, replacements, disciplinary measures etc.
-Its allowed to comment and ask questions, however since the threads main purpose is to be "full of games" we usually delete unnecessary posts after a while.
Second Level
Two Groups, Groups B and C
Average rating at Level: 2362
Promotion: The 2 best players in each Group are promoted to First Level
Relegation: The 2 worst players in each Group are relegated to Third Level
Start and post admin: For B: CarlFromFinland, For C: JournoPete83

Players & Schedules
Worse 3rd in B or C
@FearlessButton 2483
@sparrowhead 2418
@JournoPete83 2387
@powerfrog 2358
5th, 6th or 7th placed in B (who is NOT Summerbird or retep123)
@St4ck3 2330
@StanPetrov 2314
@CarlFromFinland 2260
@sidfanDX 2238
What did I do wrong? (So I can do it correctly next time)
When you paste a URL here you MUST include the prefix so that URL becomes fully qualified. What I mean is is INCORRECT. Sometimes if you use a mobile device it truncates the url from the browser because urls can be long. so truncating makes sense when you have a limited screen size. NEXT time just add a preceding https://

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